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json seralization is more slower than cpickle

i like use jsonpy than py2.6 embedded json lib,beacause it is more friendly for unicode

some write style i record here:
import jsonpy
import os.path
import cPickle as pickle
import time
if os.path.exists("cache.pickle"):
    cache= pickle.load(open("cache.pickle", "rb"))
    print "cost time:%ss"%(time.time()-it)
    print "直接从cache.pickle载入"
    print len(cache)
if os.path.exists("cache.txt") and (not os.path.exists("cache.pickle")):
    print "从cache.txt载入"
    for line in open("cache.txt","r").readlines():
        print cc
        #print type(jsonpy.read(v))
    print "载入缓存成功"
    print "cost time:%ss"%(time.time()-itit)
    print len(cache)
    from lib import filehelper
    if filehelper.hasfile("cache.pickle"):
        print "删除先前的cache.pickle"
    pickle.dump(cache, open("cache.pickle", "wb"), True)
    print "导出成cache.pickle"




    5,000,000 轮转储/装载消耗的时间: fserial.dumps: 1.581582marshal.dumps: 5.548474cPickle.dumps: 5.602932simplejson.loads: #approximate 10x slower than cPickle/marshalfserial.loads:

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